Wednesday 9 January 2013

Conveyor Belt Sushi

Have you ever heard of those?

It's the sushi restaurants where little plates of sushi go around the whole place on a conveyor belt, hence the name. I think somewhere in the world, there's an outdoor one.

I went to one recently, and it was pretty good. It was a small store, so the sushi wouldn't go dry and stale before it even reached your table.

A suggestion would be to go at dinnertime, as there are more people. It means that the food on the conveyor belt is being taken quicker, and the sushi is fresher.

Not many conveyor belt sushi places offer AYCE (All You Can Eat). Instead, at most places, you pay for each dish (and a dish usually has 2-4 pieces). Depending on the colour of the dish, the prices differ.

It is an enjoyable experience.

Tuesday 25 December 2012

Ramen and Things

I ate Japanese ramen the other day.
And it wasn't those instant noodle packages that some restaurants serve shamelessly.
It was some legitimate stuff.
The taste was good, and there was a good will not make you too full, but you will not walk away hungry.

What s short blog post

Saturday 17 November 2012

That Craving

Those moments when you

Want food so much

But you are not hungry.

You just want to eat something...

It is in these moments that your discipline is truly tested.

I have terrible discipline.

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Still With the Milk Tea

I still like that milk tea.

Oh, that milk tea.

One of these days, I will also try their coffee.

Usually, I do not drink much coffee because of the caffeine content...

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Milk Tea Comeback

It has been such a long time since I last posted. I look back at my posts, and I realize...

There was a post that I never posted...( ꒪Д꒪)ノ

What has been going on these days?

How was my life?

Now that summer is over, fall is coming, and the good old days od strolling the streets with only a t-shirt on is now over. 

My life hasn't changed much, still living that normal life. 

I did get hooked on different things, though. 

For example: Japanese emoticons. 

They are the best things EVER, I am telling you. Western emoticons are so limited, and there are so many special characters in Japan. ( ´∀`)

My favourite one is this: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻  Flip the table!

No, my life hasn't got to the point where I have forgotten about the joy of food. 

Remember back when I was really into milk tea? 

Back then, I was really into homemade milk tea. Now, I am into this:

The one I drink, the packaging is a bit different, but it is the same stuff. I took a big risk when I was about to drink this thing. 

What is it's bitter? What if there is too much sugar?

When it comes to milk tea, I am VERY picky. Everything has to be PERFECT. 

And then I tried this. 

It was PERFECT.  (well, maybe there was a bit too much sugar...)

I highly suggest this brand of milk tea. I have yet to try their coffee, but it shouldn't be bad. 

And that is the end to this post. Have a wonderful day. 

Sorry for the highlights...

Sunday 19 August 2012

Many kinds of meat

Yesterday, I tried sampling some of those huge sausages. There were also kangaroo and llama meat.

It was interesting because the kangaroo was Canadian...

With all the spices and salt in the sausages, I cannot taste the difference

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Too much food in the summer~~ ._.

I've been eating so much recently.

And I keep telling myself to blog about it.

But I always forget and get lost in the happy, blissful moment.

The past two weeks has been awesome - foodwise.

Went to a sushi buffet. I am still craving it though.

Cantonese style breakfast on multiple occasions.

Fast food

Chinese food

Chinese duffet

Western breakfast, like a huge waffle or omlette


Red bean popsicles

Seaweed snack

Arizona green tea with ginseng and honey

Arizona iced lemon tea

Vitasoy lemon tea


Milk candy

Calbee chips (squid and lobster)

Strawberry chewy candy

Pretz, tomato flavored (I did not taste any tomato...)

Chinese steamed buns

Crab (the first time I ate it, I got really fat crabs, so there was a lot of flesh. The second time, I got very skinny crabs, and was slightly dissapointed)


Chicken soup (the chinese kind with the wintermelon)

Instant noodles.

...and much more. Unfortunately, I cannot remember everything...
